Ogles: ‘It’s Going to Be a Tough Year For Incumbents’

News of Bob Corker’s retirement from the U.S. Senate on the heels of Alabama incumbent Senator Luther Strange’s likely ouster from his short time in office could be a sign of the continuing anti-incumbent, grassroots-powered sea change that has gripped elective politics since the launch of the Tea Party movement in 2009.

Senate hopeful Andy Ogles – himself a long-time grassroots conservative activist before becoming the state director of American for Prosperity – released a statement thanking Senator Corker for his twelve years in Washington D.C., adding:


We need new faces in Washington who share President Trump’s mission to drain the swamp. Grassroots activists across Tennessee have had my ear for years telling me how Tennessee needs someone who will stand up for Tennesseans and hold true to their promises. People across the country feel the same way – What we are doing in D.C. is not working for the majority of Americans and electing the same batch of folks over and over who haven’t produced any results won’t change a thing.

Although rumors of additional candidates have been swirling for months, Ogles is the sole Republican vying for the now-open U.S. Senate seat.

“It’s going to be a tough year for incumbents as we are seeing in Alabama; term limits will be enforced through the election cycle,” Ogles predicted. “I welcome the new faces and pray we can join together to drain the swamp, making America work for Americans again.”




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5 Thoughts to “Ogles: ‘It’s Going to Be a Tough Year For Incumbents’”

  1. […] new faces in Washington who share President Trump’s mission to drain the swamp,” Ogles said in a statement after Corker’s announcement. “Grassroots activists across Tennessee have had my ear for […]

  2. […] new faces in Washington who share President Trump’s mission to drain the swamp,” Ogles said in a statement after Corker’s announcement. “Grassroots activists across Tennessee have had my ear for […]

  3. […] new faces in Washington who share President Trump’s mission to drain the swamp,” Ogles said in a statement after Corker’s announcement. “Grassroots activists across Tennessee have had my ear for […]

  4. Steve Lowe

    Advice to Andy Ogles: Do not allow Blackburn to steal the show through inaction. Take a lesson from the current President of the United States. Any action taken on behalf of conservative values brings about a better payoff than sitting around fretting about what is going to happen next. Judge Moore’s success yesterday proves that point and approach, also. We want leaders not PC hand wringers. Blackburn is a hand wringer much like Strange. Good luck in the campaign!

  5. 83ragtop50

    “It’s going to be a tough year for incumbents” – as it should be based upon lack of performance.
